I am

I was born to teach. It just took me nearly 5 decades to realize it.

I've been teaching one thing or another all of my life. Only over the past twelve years, though, have I experienced the joy and intrinsic satisfaction that comes from being a professor.

I joined the faculty of Ohio Wesleyan University in the fall of 2023 . And I now serve as an assistant professor of management/entrepreneurship there. On occasion, I also teach as an adjunct faculty member at Fielding Graduate University, where I teach in the Master of Arts in Org Development and Leadership. Previously, I have taught at Westminster College in Salt Lake City and St. Edward's University in Austin, TX. I've served as an adjunct professor at the University of San Francisco, UC Berkeley Extension, and Santa Clara University.

I thoroughly enjoy teaching undergraduate students and appreciate the occasional interaction with graduate students, as well. I've taught a number of subjects, mostly related to entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship, but I have also taught courses in marketing, leadership, effective writing, public speaking, organizational behavior, and design thinking.

Professors often make a habit of putting into writing our teaching philosophy. Here’s mine.

What Cliff's students are saying

Here’s what some of my students have written about their experience in the classroom with me...

"The course actually hits every question on this survey spot on. I learned a lot in this class about the subject, improved my writing skills and all the Westminster college-wide learning goals. Cliff is also the most kind, optimistic, and generous professor I’ve ever had. Thanks!"

"Great teacher; very respectful of all opinions of the students."

"Cliff does a great job of relating the subject of entrepreneurship to his real-life experiences."

"Cliff is an involved and caring professor who takes the time to speak to his students as peers. His devotion to his subject matter is palpable and is felt throughout his lectures. The course felt respectful and enjoyable for the duration of the semester."

Cliff is a passionate, knowledgeable and experienced instructor with a wealth of insight.

The following was an email I received from a student after the end of the school term.

Dear Cliff,

I want you to know that as a few weeks have passed since the semester ended, I have had some time to digest my learning and I have realized just how much I got out of your class. I realized that the core of what I want to do is be an entrepreneur—I want to make my own path. Thanks for being an excellent professor.

--Maggie R.